Computer Ethics

1. Computer ethics is about the rules that needs to be followed by the users that serves as a guidelines when dealing with computers in any purposes of using it, be it in our academic life, workplace and home. There is a violation when we disobey its law to its usage and doing such unlawful activities such as pornography, hacking, general abuses, gambling, privacy, plagiarism and cyber crime.
Computer Ethics is under the rules promulgated by the government for us to be aware and become a responsible users of computers.

2. What is Good and Bad ?
- Good is used to express satisfaction,pleasure, agreement,useful,healthy,happy. A person who is virtuous in act and ethical is good which he/she is considered also to be morally right.
- Bad is an expression for a person who have a wicked or evil character, who is morally wrong reprehensive and not able to follow ethical rules.

3. What is the effect of the arrival of digital media on society? 
- The affect of digital media on society has increased in changing people's everyday lives and making it so easy the way they connect and interact. Digital Media has improved the quality of human's social,professional and over-all lives. But not all effects of digital media is always positive. Nowadays, people who excessively use digital media has influenced their behavioral development and even their mental and physical health due to high-radiation they acquire from exposure to television, video games, lights, computers,phones and other tele-communication technologies.

4. Why the internet creates new ethical challenges?
- In a world of today's generation where we are surrounded by e-mail,Facebook,twitter and other social media. our ability to limit our exposure to them decreases. That's why the internet has new challenges for us be more aware, and responsible to our ethical obligation as well as in applying the laws and regulations of using the technologies properly. The challenges is for us users to educate ourselves about privacy,settings and be particular about confidentiality.

5. Define the term "good"as a:
     Merit - is a form of reward or credit as an achievement given to be earned by those deserving person people who done good to a certain workplace, group,organization and company.

     Moral quality - is a state of being in a standard of right and good conduct or ideas that fail into good qualities of virtue and righteousness.

     Virtue - is a specification of right action from an individual person. A good virtuous act of a person may vary according to god's will, moral laws of rules,environment and person's attitude and behavior like being honest,obedient,kind,humility,loyal,having freedom and so on.

     An Advantage - An Advantage is something that puts the person in a better place,position or condition than other people. an advantage is a way in which a person feels superiority and gain more worth than those people who compete against him/her.

     Benefit profit -  Refers to sales / revenue in a form of money we get from selling goods and services. It could also be an exchange goods from trading and bargain.

6. What are your responsibilities as an IT professional in the computer World?
- As an IT professional, it is my duty to have a responsibility to be ethical on using the computer in a manner that I will not harm other people, that I should not use it to steal other's files and property, I should be a friendly and respectful user, I should not hack nor use software's which I have not paid,I should not use others computer unless I am authorized to use it I should think about the importance of the system that I design and develop and most of all I should not commit unlawful act that leads to cyber crime and violation.


Scenario #1:
You receive an e-mail with an attachment from "I.T.Security." The e-mail says that your computer has been infected with a virus and you need to open the attachment and follow the directions to get rid of the virus. What should you do?

- First you need to know where the e-mail came from. if it's an unknown email you need to contact the IT HELP DESK and ask about the email. because now a days there such a tool or a virus that can email or message random people or user to spread the virus, mostly happen on facebook.

Scenario #2:
Real-Life Scenario:
We saw a case a while back where someone used their yahoo account at a lab on campus. She made sure her yahoo account was no longer open in the browser window before leaving the lab. Someone came in behind her and used the same browser to re-access her account. They started sending emails from it and caused all sorts of mayhem.

- "she made sure her yahoo account was no longer open the browser window before leaving the lab." at this case she only close the browser but it didn't sign out her account, even if you close the browser you account is still sign in, unless she use browser incognito.

Scenario #3:
The mouse on your computer screen starts to move around on its own and click on things on your desktop. What do you do?

- At this case make sure you didn't connect to other network or computer to avoid computer remote. and make sure you didn't have a software connection that can connect to the other computer via internet like teamviewer. if this happen all you can do is to disconnect your computer from the network.

Scenario #4:
A while back, the IT folks got a number of complaints that one of our campus computer was sending out Spam. They checked it out, and the reports were true: a hacker had installed a program on the computer that made it automatically send out tons of spam email without the computer owner's knowledge.

Q: How do you think the hacker got into the computer to set this up?
-Hacker knows the security of the computer and he/she take the advantages of it. "Deepfreeze" he can do what ever the hacker wants, even the computer turn off or restart the spam is already save and spread.

Q:If you are an IT Professional how can you handle this situation, if you know the person ( hacker ) behind this problem?
- All i can do is to uninstall or remove the program that the hacker installed after that if i know the hacker i will tell him that follow the computer ethics rules.

REFERENCE :, Sara.The Internet’s Ethical Challenges (2010). Vol.41, No.7 pg.32 .Hursthouse, Rosalind(1999).”Virtue Ethics and Human Nature”. Hume Studies. Volume XXV, No. 1 & 2. pg.67-82. Hursthouse, Rosalind(1999).”Virtue Ethics and Human Nature”. Hume Studies. Volume XXV, No. 1 & 2. pg.67-82. PDF.Alur, R., Berger, E., & Drobnis, A., et. al.(2015.”Systems Computing Challenges in the Internet of Things”. Computing Community Consortium.


I think the conversation about fake news has to be one of the most interesting issue. I am especially interested in hearing what people nowadays are discussing. I found that on this issue we agreed on many points. I really think that much of the responsibility for identifying fake news lies first with the reader. We all have to be somewhat discriminating about what we read and seek out multiple sources to confirm information. In discussing about fake news,I do understand that there are many people who haven't necessarily been given the opportunity to develop their skills to distinguish fake news as an issue that needs to be given a big attention. This fake news issue is very controversial and I honestly dont have any idea enough that I can share what is the solution.

There is a group who came up with the idea of some sort of journalist verification that could follow some stories posted on social media. If a journalist is found to post stories that are hoax or not true, they would risk losing the verification. This idea still relies on the public valuing such certification and choosing to discriminate based on what is credible and true, not just what supports their biased news.

This is clearly an issue that will not go away any time soon. I feel I'm a much better informed citizen and I'm fairly certain that means I've done something to help fight the spread of fake news.
I think the most important thing is also for us to be more observant to what we are reading and believing in any social media. It is for us to teach ourselves to be not just aware but more of a way of how to identify fake news, reflect them on our experience, common sense, opinion, and biases.


What does it mean to do political work through social media? As someone who grew up with the internet, I have been privy to the social interactions that the interact has enabled. The things that we used to find others with similar politics, views and visions, priorities and goals are becoming so expansive. So by that means we could have more and broad discussion and more access to social media.
The role played by social media in political blogging has rapidly grown in importance of how politics exposed their platforms, forums, and activism such as Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube. The effects includes providing new ways to stimulate us citizens engagement in political life, where elections and electoral campaigns a major role.
Personal communication via social media brings politicians and parties closer to their potential voters. It allows politicians to communicate faster and reach citizens in a targeted manner and vice versa, without the role of mass media, reactions, conversations and debates are generated online as well as support and participation for offline events.


The role of IT Professionals is very important as they contribute to the maintenance of information systems as well as its effective performance. As social media is likely to increase in the future, for instance, many organizations will use the highly modernized telecommunication system to enhance communication and to increase information security in any types of web applications and softwares.
As an IT Student i find out that learning which the school is teaching me will contribute consistently to my personal and professional development. I believe this course will expand my knowledge and experience in using properly the social media. As an IT professional in the future,I should develop showcase my skills of using technological innovations that contributed not only to my profession but also to my personal development. I must learn effective methods and techniques of using properly the information systems and technologies in the organizational context.


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